Alcohol Awareness and Support
The benefits of alcohol reduction are plentiful. It can of course help you save money but also benefit your health too.
- Better sleep and more energy
- Improved mood
- Weight management
- lower risk of stroke, hypertension, cancer, liver disease, and diabetes
- Improved skin and complexion
- Reduced risk of injury
Try Drinkaware's free unit and calorie counter to see where you can save.
Free support
Changing habits around alcohol consumption can be easier with the support of local services including:
- Your Health Notts - Alcohol advice.
- Nottinghamshire Change Grow Live - Drug and alcohol support and advice.
- Inpatient advice is available from the Trust's Drug and Alcohol Team - call extension 3935.
- Hetty's Charity | Support for Families Affected by Drug and Alcohol Misuse - When you are affected by a family member's use of drugs or alcohol.