Clinical Psychology wellbeing webinars
Each week during the Coronavirus pandemic our Clinical Psychology team hosted a wellbeing webinar. These webinars were aimed at providing tools and techniques to guide and improve wellbeing. Click on the links below to watch these webinars.
Psychological PPE 2: How becoming aware helps with stress
Psychological PPE 4: Courageous conversations and keeping connected
Psychological PPE 5: Managing Transitions Part 1
Psychological PPE 6: Managing Transitions Part 2
Psychological PPE 7: Living and working well alongside Covid
Psychological PPE 8: Tackling barriers to moving forward
Psychological PPE 9: Supporting other people in distress
Psychological PPE 10: Working at your best
Psychological PPE 11: Rest and Reflection
Psychological PPE 12: Addressing anger, frustration and irritation
Psychological PPE 13: Becoming aware and managing compassion fatigue
Psychological PPE 14: How to spot the signs and challenge micro-incivilities
Psychological PPE 17: Making use of reflection and planning ahead