QI Tools


'QI tools are key tools which  will get you up and running and continue to help you with your improvement projects. There are specific tools that will help you at certain stages of your QI project, they will help with: Identifying the quality issue; Understanding the problem; Developing a strategy and change ideas; Testing; and Implementation & sustaining the gains'

What is it?

A driver diagram is a tool that can be used to help plan improvement project activities.

Driver diagrams are essentially another name for the classic ‘tree diagrams’ commonly used in operational research.

When to use it?

Driver diagrams can be used to show your theories of cause and effect in your system – in other words, your theories about what changes will likely cause the desired effects and achievement of your aim.

It is helpful to create driver diagrams during the initial planning stages of your change programme, but they should also be used throughout your change programme.

Need Help?

If you need help using this QI Tool please do not hesitate to contact any member of our team for support on ext 4352 or sfh-tr.sfhimprovement@nhs.net



What is it?

Cause and effect analysis helps you to think through the causes of a problem. Working through cause and effect analysis enables those involved to gain a shared insight into the problem, develop possible solutions and create a snapshot of the team’s collective knowledge.

When to use it?

Use this tool when you are trying to determine why a particular problem is occurring. It will help you to fully understand the issue and to identify all the possible causes – not just the obvious.

Need Help?

If you need help using this QI Tool please do not hesitate to contact any member of our team for support on ext 4352 or sfh-tr.sfhimprovement@nhs.net