Report and support

Reporting a sexual safety incident

We understand how difficult it can be to tell someone about a sexual assault or incident. Please communicate with another colleague that you trust as soon as possible.

If ever anyone makes you feel uncomfortable and you feel that they have breached your sexual safety, we would like you to report it because this behaviour is wrong. It may also be an offence under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 and a breach of the Trust’s Code of Conduct and Professional Codes of Conduct. You may feel extremely upset about what has happened. You might feel too frightened or upset to speak directly to the person concerned, but you have several options:

  • 999 in an emergency if you are in immediate danger or harm. If you are on a mobile but you cannot speak you can press 55.
  • Tell a manager or talk to Freedom to speak guardian or Freedom to speak up champion. Ext. 4559 Mobile: 07788 224490 Or search 'Freedom to Speak up' on the intranet to find a Freedom to Speak Up Champion.

We have several Freedom to Speak Up Champions who are trained to listen to sexual safety issues and concerns. Please feel free to reach out to anyone from the list below, and they will support you throughout the speaking-up process. Although campions are listed by division, you are welcome to contact the person you feel most comfortable speaking with.


Women and Children




Urgent and Emergency care

Supporting your emotional health and wellbeing following incidents

Experiences related to your own or others sexual safety can affect you psychologically. VIVUP can listen and help you to process events as well as support you with counselling.

VIVUP, our Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) These discussions do not get reported back to the Trust. 

03303 800 658 FREE, confidential and available 24/7, 365 days a year.

Disciplinary for perpetrator

The Sexual Safety Policy will be used in conjunction with the Trust’s Disciplinary Policy and other relevant Trust Policies (where applicable).  Where allegations are made against a Trust colleague, a fact-find will be conducted, to try and understand the facts of the case.  Following a fact-find, the findings will be shared with the appropriate Case Manager to determine the next steps.  This may include a formal investigation.