Bilateral amputee bowls people over by pledging to walk around cricket club pitch for charities

Posted Monday, August 19, 2019 10:13 AM

You would think that after sustaining life changing injuries that you would want to focus on yourself and getting better, but one amazing patient at King’s Mill Hospital wants to raise money for charities that are close to his heart.

Bilateral amputee (one above the knee and one below the knee), Andy Ashworth, from Southwell in Nottinghamshire has set out to walk the boundary of Southwell Cricket Pitch on Monday 26 August.

The cricket pitch has special memories for him as his sons play for the team and he himself was scorer at the club before he lost his legs. “The club has helped my family and I through three very difficult years” he says.

Andy lost his legs after suffering with Diabetes, so it’s no surprise that Diabetes UK is one of the five charities he is fundraising for. The others are; Nottinghamshire University Hospitals’ Haywood House in memory of a very close friend, King’s Mill Hospital’s Physiotherapy department to help fund equipment for the benefit of future patients, Nottingham Prosthetics Centre and Southwell Cricket Club to help fund their electronic scoreboard.

Andy has recently received two new prosthetic limbs, which has allowed him to think about completing this challenge.

He said: “This challenge is really special to me as it will allow me to give something back to all of the people and charities that have helped me over the last few years. I really don’t know what I would have done without them and their support for both me and my family.”

Physiotherapist Suzanne Temple, who has been helping to rehabilitate Andy with the help of her team for the last three years said: “This will be a major achievement for Andy as he has had quite a journey over the past few years and we are all very proud of him here at King’s Mill Hospital.”

Andy is hoping to raise £3000 for the charities and has a fundraising page that can be found here