Nine out of 10 staff would recommend Sherwood Forest Hospitals for care

Posted Friday, May 31, 2019 9:48 AM

Nine out of 10 staff at Sherwood Forest Hospitals have rated their Trust as somewhere to receive good care and 8 out of 10 staff would recommend it as a place to work. 

The national results from the Q4 anonymous ‘pulse’ survey that took place in March have been published today, and Sherwood Forest Hospitals scores one of the highest nationally and regionally in terms of both the number of staff that recommend the Trust as a place to work, and to receive care.

The survey shows that:

  • 88% of staff would recommend the Trust as a place to receive treatment and
  • 78% said they would recommend it as a place to work
  • 3% of staff though said they would not recommend Sherwood Forest Hospitals as a place to receive care, and 11% would not recommend it as a place to work 

Nationally the average for these scores was 80% as a place to receive care, and 65% as a place to work (6% and 17% respectively for ‘not recommend’).  

A quarter of staff responded to the survey (25%), which is more than twice the average response rate nationally (12%).

Sherwood Forest Hospitals’ Chief Executive, Richard Mitchell, said:

“Once again we should be pleased and proud our results have remained consistent with the majority of staff still feeling we are a good place to receive care and to work. This indicates we continue to do lots of things well, especially when we look at this comparatively to other Trusts in the country.

“However, these results do also tell us we still have much to improve on. I remain worried that one in ten colleagues would not recommend Sherwood as a place to work. I think increasingly we all understand the importance of kindness, respect, support and compassion at work and it is now important we consistently model these values and behaviours. Earlier this week we held our first conference on how civility improves the way we feel at work and the care we give. In the future, I would like everyone who works at Sherwood to enjoy the experience more than they do now.” 

The Staff Friends and Family Test is a national initiative introduced by NHS England to help improve patient experience, and is carried out in all NHS trusts providing acute, community, ambulance and mental health services in England, giving staff the opportunity to feed back their views on their organisation.

The data from the survey can be found on the NHS England website.