Sherwood Forest Hospitals details plans to keep patients safe during winter

Posted Tuesday, November 5, 2019 2:09 PM

Sherwood Forest Hospitals details plans to keep patients safe during winter

As we move into Winter, Sherwood Forest Hospitals is putting plans in place to make sure that it is doing everything that it can to cope with the extra pressures anticipated for the winter months in order to treat patients as safely and effectively as possible.

The Trust’s winter plan includes increasing the capacity of the hospital to care for more patients, working closely with other organisations to try and manage the number of patients arriving at, and being discharged from hospital, and ensuring staff are physically and mentally well in order to keep caring for patients.

Simon Barton, Chief Operating Officer for Sherwood Forest Hospitals said: “NHS Hospitals are under pressure from ever increasing demand for emergency care. We expect and plan for an increase in demand at winter, and we know that many of the patients that do come through our doors are sicker than at other times of the year.  

“It’s our aim to make sure that patients get the right treatment, in a timely manner, and are cared for in a way that we would want for any members of our own family.

“We have a plan for winter that includes increasing the number of beds and staffing we have access to in some areas, doing all we can to prevent people being admitted unnecessarily and making sure we do everything that we can to avoid any unnecessary delays when it comes to safely discharging patients.

“We also know that this can be a difficult and stressful time of year for our workforce – so we are asking them to try and take the time to look after themselves and each other.

“Winter isn’t an easy time for anyone in the NHS but I am very proud to work with SFH colleagues and our wider health and social care partners – and I would like to thank them for their compassion and dedication to caring for patients.”

Another key element of gearing up for winter is to make sure as many frontline staff as possible are vaccinated against seasonal flu in order to protect themselves, their colleagues and the wider community. At the last count, more than two-thirds of SFH staff have had the vaccination this year (68.7%), well on course to exceed the target of 80%.

Members of the public can help by making sure that they and their families are vaccinated against flu – especially if they fall into any of the ‘at risk’ groups including the elderly, then very young or people with certain long-term conditions. The public are also urged to make the most appropriate decision for their care, including making use of local pharmacies, NHS 111 and extended access to GPs.