Sherwood Forest Hospitals’ Intensive Care Unit remember loved ones in special Christmas Service

Posted Friday, December 18, 2020 2:32 PM

Sherwood Forest Hospitals’ Intensive Care Unit remember loved ones in special Christmas Service

Sherwood Forest Hospitals’ staff dedicated a special Christmas service this week to remember ICU (Intensive Care Unit) patients who sadly passed away in the unit.

In the virtual service, members of staff from the Trust’s Intensive Care Unit and Trust Chaplains pay their respects to friends and families’ loved ones who sadly passed away this year, by reading a touching memoir, lighting candles and placing dedicated baubles on the Faith Centre’s Christmas Tree.

The service was recorded so it can be shared with those friends and families who have lost loved ones this year.

Trust Chaplain, Rodney Warden delivered the special service, along with staff members from ICU and Trust Chaplains.

Rodney, who has been a Chaplain at King’s Mill Hospital for 22 years, opened the service. He said: “This year we shall never forget. COVID has taken from us so much, but now these moments are for us to remember our lost loved ones, and hopefully to start rebuilding our lives as we look at this service which we would normally would have shared together in the Faith Centre at King’s Mill Hospital.”

The link to the ICU Christmas Service is here: