Sherwood Forest Hospitals’ teams and individuals chosen by patients shortlisted in the annual Staff Excellence Awards

Posted Wednesday, November 4, 2020 11:58 AM

Sherwood Forest Hospitals’ shortlist for the People’s Award category in the Trust’s annual Staff Excellence Awards has been announced, with many staff being praised for going above and beyond to deliver outstanding care and service.

The People’s Award allowed members of the public to recognise members of staff who have gone above and beyond and was split into two categories this year; the People’s COVID-19 Award and The People’s Award, which recognises those members of staff who have gone above and beyond during the pandemic as well as staff who have gone above and beyond in other areas of the Trust.

The People’s COVID-19 Award saw Rachael Parker, Trauma Co-ordinator, the Emergency Department and Deborah Knight, ITU Team Leader, shortlisted. The People’s Award saw June Morley, Macmillan Nurse, NICU and the Specialist Diabetes Antenatal Team shortlisted.

Rachael Parker has been nominated for her ‘commitment and dedication to her job’ as Trauma Co-ordinator by Julie Wood.

Julie said: “The support and comfort that Rachael provided on the day of my operation was fantastic and she continued to be there for me by taking time out to visit me every day. Her care was exceptional and I will never forget her kindness, thoughtfulness and how much effort and love she showed me. She really helped me to stay positive during a worrying time.”

Rachael is delighted with her nomination and says: “I am proud that I have had such a positive impact on Julie and the care she received at King’s Mill Hospital. This nomination has really boosted my spirits and I would like to thank Julie for taking the time to nominate me.”

The Emergency Department at King’s Mill Hospital has been nominated for their ‘kindness and compassion’ by Caroline Hodgson who attended the department recently.

Caroline said: “The communication between staff was amazing. Everyone was absolutely exceptional; the doctors, the nurses and the healthcare assistants. They are an amazing team and I cannot thank them enough.”

Richard Clarkson, Emergency Department Lead Nurse and Head of Service is extremely grateful to Caroline for nominating the team. Richard said: “It is overwhelming to learn that members of the public and patients have taken the time to nominate our department in this year’s People’s Award category.

“We are so pleased we have made such a positive impact on Caroline’s care, particularly during this challenging period. The team are very humbled by this nomination – thank you Caroline.”

Team Leader for ITU, Deborah Knight, who has been described as a “shining light” during one patient’s care, has been recognised for going above and beyond whilst caring for a patient with Covid-19.

Deborah said: “I’m so pleased to have been nominated, to me I was just doing my job, but I am so glad I managed to make such a difference to a patient and their family. We always aim to provide outstanding care and I am so pleased that we provided this during such testing times. It’s so nice to be recognised in this way, so thank you for my nomination, it means a lot.”

Macmillan Nurse, June Morley was described as having a ‘true heart of gold’ by her nominator, Sue. June was recognised for supporting Sue’s Husband throughout his care at King’s Mill Hospital and for providing regular updates to his family during a worrying and stressful time.

Sue said: “June was there throughout my Husband’s treatment. When my husband was admitted I wasn’t allowed to visit because of Covid-19 but June always rang to tell me how he was, and when he was well enough she even used her own mobile phone to FaceTime me. I will always be grateful for the care my Husband received by June.”

June said: “I am honoured to have been nominated by Sue and to care for her Husband during such a difficult and frightening time for their family. I really appreciate the nomination and recognition.”

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) has been described as being ‘full of care and compassion in every circumstance’ in their nomination by Kerry Thompson-Butler.

Kerry said: “The staff are knowledgeable and give every confidence in caring for their patients. Parents are very much part of the package and I was cared for and made to feel comfortable during my stay. The staff always made me part of the babies care.”

Lorraine Collins, NICU Sister said: “All of the staff working in NICU are so pleased to receive such kind and positive feedback from our patients and their families, including this thoughtful nomination from Kerry and her family. It is a very rewarding place to work, but it has been particularly difficult throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. That’s why receiving these nominations means so much to the team – thank you.” 

The Specialist Diabetes Antenatal Team has been nominated for their ‘exceptional delivery of care’ by Amy Bradley and her Husband.

Amy is a type 1 diabetic and knew she would require specialist support throughout her pregnancy. Describing why she has nominated the team, Amy said: “We are so grateful to them for all of the support they gave me and my Husband. We are not sure we would have our beautiful healthy baby girl without them.”

Karen Evans, Diabetes Specialist Midwife says: “The team and I are overjoyed to receive this nomination from Amy and her family. We know some women require specialist support throughout their pregnancy and we are here to care for our mums-to be and their families during this time. We are very grateful to Amy for nominating the team – thank you!”

The winners of the People’s Award and the Covid-19 People’s Award, in addition to the other 20 categories, will be announced at an online awards ceremony on Friday 6 November 2020. For more information, please visit: