Captain Tom’s donation makes a real difference to NHS colleagues and patients at Sherwood Forest Hospitals

Posted Friday, February 5, 2021 5:33 PM

One hundred and twenty two thousand pounds from Captain Tom Moore’s £30 million fund raising total has given vital support to Sherwood Forest Hospital colleagues whilst also helping to keep patients in touch with their families.

Colleagues at Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust are thanking Captain Tom Moore for the difference he made with his donation to NHS Charities Together.

Sherwood Forest Hospitals colleagues have benefitted from health care and wellbeing including extra psychological support for colleagues and ‘wobble rooms’ for teams caring for patients with Covid-19.

Many colleagues reported back that they were struggling to find spaces where they could take a break, so the idea of a ‘wobble room’ was set up. This is a safe, calm, space where colleagues can go for a break during a shift.

The rooms are equipped with soft mood lighting, a radio, a drinks machine and comfortable furniture. Department Sister for Critical Care, Tina Wright, who has used the ‘wobble room’ herself said: “It makes a real difference to be able to take that time out and take a few minutes in a calm place to just gather your thoughts and carry on. It’s really helped colleagues here in Critical Care and we would like to say thank you. Our thoughts are with Captain Tom’s family at this sad time, but we wanted you to know what a difference he made and is still making across the whole NHS and we are so grateful.”

Sherwood Forest Hospital colleagues have also been able to access additional psychological support and a range of wellbeing support has been put in place including; a wellbeing hub, self-care and wellbeing dens and extra rest areas. The funding also allowed the Trust to recognise and appreciate colleagues, with a special medal being designed to say thank you to everyone for their efforts throughout the pandemic. 

Patients have also benefitted from the funds with technology being purchased to help assist patients communicate electronically with their families whilst visiting has been suspended at the Trust. 

Chief Executive, Richard Mitchell added: “It has obviously been a hugely difficult time for colleagues here at Sherwood and across the whole of the NHS and Social Care. Captain Tom provided funding for additional support when we needed it most and for this we will be forever grateful. We will make sure his legacy and memory lives on by remembering what he did for the NHS. His actions will never be forgotten, as he has made such a difference to so many.”

A full list of the support available to Sherwood Forest Hospital colleagues can be found here.