Changes to our Maternity Ward visiting from 7 January 2021

Posted Thursday, January 7, 2021 1:18 PM

During the national lock down we are asking birth partners only to visit our Maternity Ward (where new Mums who need to stay in hospital go after the birth of their baby) and to only visit during two, two hour time slots. 

Women in active labour or coming for induction can still have their birth partner with them for the duration of their labour. 

We have changed the visiting on our Maternity Ward to keep our colleagues, patients and visitors as safe as possible whilst the infection rate for Coronavirus remains high in our area. 

Birth partners who wish to visit our maternity ward will be asked to visit during the following times: 

  • 12noon – 2pm for all rooms and beds with an odd number.
  • 4pm – 6pm for all rooms and beds with an even number.

All birth partners visiting the ward must wear surgical masks during their visit. If you are exempt from wearing a face mask, you will be asked to wear a visor, which we will provide.

In order to keep everyone safe and limit the footfall and excessive movement of people around the ward, partners are asked if they leave the ward during their allocated visiting slot, to not return until their visiting slot the next day. If you leave the ward during your visit you will not be permitted back onto the ward until the next day. We are also asking visitors to stay by the bed of the person they are visiting in order to keep everyone safe.

We hope you understand that we are doing our very best to manage visiting under difficult circumstances, whilst also keeping our patients, colleagues and visitors as safe as possible, please remember to be kind to our colleagues and treat them with respect, we are all doing our very best to help you and your family during the pandemic.