High-tech Gamma Scanner’s first patient ‘grateful’ to everyone who donated to the appeal

Posted Thursday, June 3, 2021 9:26 AM

High-tech Gamma Scanner’s first patient ‘grateful’ to everyone who donated to the appeal

Following a two-year appeal to raise £490,000 to fund the new piece of kit, this week Sherwood Forest Hospitals’ nuclear medicine department, based at King’s Mill Hospital, were delighted to see their new high-tech Gamma Scanner in use for the first time, thanks to the donations of volunteers, the local community and colleagues. 

Primarily used to identify cancerous tumours in patients, the machine revolutionises how patients are diagnosed and treated. The kit can also be utilised for identifying bone and joint issues, as well as sourcing internal bleeding and injuries. In addition, the advanced piece of equipment is able to take two scans at once, a gamma scan and CT scan, condensing patients’ appointments and wait time.   

The top-spec machine scanned its first patient during National Volunteers’ Week, a period of celebration and recognition for all volunteers and their service across the country. Sherwood’s volunteers were particularly central to the appeal’s success as profits from the Daffodil Café, ward trolley services, fundraising stalls and events resulted in a donation of £296,000 on behalf of Sherwood’s volunteers: more than 50% of the target!

Les Trueman, 63, was the first patient to be scanned in the high-tech machine this week. Following a scan on his knee, he said: “I am delighted to be the first patient to have a scan in the Gamma Scanner, and very pleased that I can have two scans at once, saving my travel and wait time. It has been a long process, but I am very hopeful that the new piece of kit will accelerate my treatment and recovery, as I do not have to wait for another scan appointment.

“I really appreciate everyone who donated to the Gamma Scanner appeal. I’ve seen the donation cheques around the hospital and I am really grateful to receive this scan so close to home. Thank you to everyone involved in raising the funds for the new machine and of course, the staff in Radiology.”

Robert Bradley, Superintendent in Nuclear Medicine at Sherwood Forest Hospitals said: “This new piece of equipment is extraordinary, and we are very grateful to everyone who donated and supported the Gamma Scanner appeal.

“For our cancer patients, having this piece of equipment in our local community will support them hugely; they’ll receive results quicker and won’t have to come into hospital as much as we’ll be able to complete two scans in the duration of one. Their treatment will also be able to start sooner, increasing their chances of recovery.

“Our non-cancer patients will also be able to see the benefit of having two scans in one. We’ll be able to see more patients, find resolutions and support treatment plans more effectively than ever before.”

Jill Smallwood, Chair of King’s Mill Hospital Volunteers, said: “To see the revolutionary scanner in use for the first time during National Volunteers’ Week is wonderful. We are so very grateful to all of our volunteers for all that they do, and for them to see their hard work and support pay off by having the first patient scanned this week is marvellous.

“I’d like to thank members of our local community, colleagues and volunteers who fundraised for this appeal. Your generous donations will help so many patients in their time of need. Thank you.”

Later this year, people and companies who donated to the appeal will be invited by the Community Involvement team to see the new Gamma Scanner and hear of its benefits to our local community.

Following the Gamma Scanner appeal, the Trust’s latest appeal supports an enhancement to the end of life ward facilities that will enable Sherwood staff to deliver high quality care for patients in the last days of life. This appeal will also support in providing emotional and practical support to carers and families at a difficult time. To donate to the appeal, please visit: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/SFHCharityEOL