King’s Mill Hospital welcomes nine new babies on 2.2.22

Posted Thursday, February 3, 2022 4:04 PM

King’s Mill Hospital welcomes nine new babies on 2.2.22

Nine babies born at King’s Mill Hospital yesterday all have one thing in common – that they were born on 2 February 2022 (2.2.2022).

The date is known as a palindrome date, which means that it can be read the same way backwards as it can forwards. It’s also a special date of significance for some new parents – and one that won’t be forgotten easily!

Baby Eddi-Dale was the first baby to be welcomed into the world at King’s Mill Hospital on 2.2.2022 at 6:12am. New mum Billie-Jade wasn’t due to give birth until 7 February. She said: “I had been in hospital a couple of days as I was being induced and it never occurred to me the significance of the date, until just after he was born the midwife told us his birthdate was 2.2.22. It’s nice and he’ll never forget when he was born.”

Another new mum, Ieva Lager, welcomed George Valentino to the world after being booked in for a planned caesarean section. She said: “When I was booked in, I hadn’t really considered the date, but when we were driving home it occurred to me that his date of birth would be all twos. Once I realised, I was really keen for him to be born on that date and kept my fingers crossed that everything would go to plan! It feels really lovely and special, especially as our daughter was a New Year’s Day baby, so both of them have special birthdays.”

Sherwood Forest Hospitals’ Head of Nursing and Midwifery, Paula Shore, said: “We welcomed nine new babies into the world yesterday, 2.2.22, at King’s Mill Hospital. We deliver more than 3,600 new babies every year, and each birth is special, but it’s always exciting for us and new parents when a baby makes an appearance on a day that is significant  – the new parents certainly won’t forget their little one’s birth date in the future.”

This February will also see two more days where the date is a mix of twos and zeros – 20.02.2022 and 22.02.2022.