Bladder care

The most common symptom experienced during pregnancy or after birth is urinary incontinence (leaking wee). This can be stress incontinence (leaking wee when the pressure in your tummy raises such as coughing, sneezing, lifting your baby or running), or urge incontinence (feeling a sudden desperate need to wee and not being able to “hold it” in time to get to a toilet.

Urinary leakage occurs in around 40 to 50% of women and birthing people as pregnancy progresses and immediately after birth and is usually because the pelvic floor muscles aren’t able to fully support the closure of the tube leading to the bladder. Although common it should not be something you consider “your new normal” and the videos and leaflets below will help you to understand more about your bladder and include simple advice and guidance to help you maintain a healthy bladder throughout your pregnancy and after the birth of your baby.