Services Offered

Sexual Health Services Nottingham & Nottinghamshire provides free and confidential sexually transmitted infection (STI) screening and treatment, information and advice as well as a wide range of reversible contraception methods.

We provide a range of services through our clinics, however not all of the stated services are offered at every site:

  • Counselling for and provision of all reversible methods of contraception including condoms and longer acting methods;
  • Emergency contraception;
  • Information about male/female sterilisation;
  • Pregnancy testing, advice and referral for termination of unplanned pregnancy if necessary;
  • Examination to screen/test for sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including syphilis, with free treatment and management if an infection is detected;
  • Screening and testing for HIV infection;
  • Screening and testing for hepatitis A, B and C, if indicated, and provision of hepatitis A and B vaccination, if necessary;
  • HPV vaccination for men who have sex with men aged 45 and under;
  • Examination, investigation, diagnosis, treatment and management of individuals with genital infections or conditions, which are not sexually transmitted;
  • Opportunistic cervical cytology (‘smear’) testing if indicated;
  • Support with partner notification if testing and treatment of someone’s sexual partner is required;
  • C-card provision for 13-19 year olds registered with the scheme.
  • An automated telephone results service;
  • Health promotion to foster improved sexual health, not only within the clinic but also to the wider health care community and public sectors;
  • Pre-conceptual advice;
  • Advice for women and men on sexual and reproductive health issues;
  • Assessment for, and provision of, psychosexual counselling;
  • Availability of a MiSSTI Service (Mini Screen for Sexually Transmitted Infections) to individuals over 18 years of age who do NOT have any symptoms and who have NOT been in sexual contact with a person known to have an STI. The mini screen for STIs is NOT suitable for women who are pregnant, or for anyone who has been sexually assaulted.

Additionally at the Hub:

  • On-going HIV out-patient care for HIV positive individuals, with full access to free anti-retroviral therapy and monitoring tests;
  • Review and follow up for individuals who are considered for, or who have received, HIV post exposure prophylaxis (PEP);
  • Provision of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) to appropriately assessed, at-risk individuals.