Wellbeing Champions

Do you want to be a #TeamSFH Wellbeing Champion?

You'll be the go-to person in your team for all things wellbeing; signposting your colleagues to the resources and support that is available to them. You'll receive full training and access to resources, and you'll be given four hours per month to gain new experiences and qualifications, whilst sharing and helping us promote Sherwood's wellbeing offer. You can find out more information in the role description below. 

If this sounds interesting and you'd like to find out more, take our 20 minute taster session/training. If you are interested in becoming a champion, you'll find the expression of interest at the end of the course. 

20 minute taster session and expression of interest

Job description

(you'll need your e-learning academy login for the taster session)

If you have any questions, please contact sfh-tr.wellbeing@nhs.net