Patient information leaflets
At Sherwood Forest Hospitals Trust we are dedicated to ensuring patients receive the best possible information about their care and treatment.
We provide a wide range of information for patients, relatives and carers in a number of formats including Braille, easy read, large print and services for hard of hearing. We also provide an interpretation and translation service.
The patient information leaflet library contains leaflets produced by the Trust covering a wide range of topics. All our information, which is checked by health professionals and patients, is evidence based and follows national guidelines. Click on the left hand menu to find out what is available.
A number of patient information leaflets have been prepared externally for Sherwood Forest Hospitals by EIDO Healthcare. Your consultant may give you one of these leaflets; they are available in large print, giant print, screen reader and easy read.
We also use leaflets produced by other credible organisations such as The British Thoracic Society and The British Heart Foundation, as well as pointing patients to the EIDO Healthcare website, which enables you find accredited websites that can help you get more information about your condition, or any treatments that may have been recommended to you. Please click on the tab in the left hand menu to find out more about EIDO Healthcare.
Further information
If you can’t find what you are looking for please visit NHS Choices, the official website of the National Health Service. For a quick guide on how to use NHS Choices please click here.
Our services
You can find full information about each ward, department and services by clicking on Our services and then Services directory (A-Z)
For further information regarding our patient information leaflets, please contact the patient information officer by emailing or call 01623 622515, extension 6927.
Your views on our leaflets are really important to us. Feedback from patients, relatives and carers can help improve the way we develop and review our patient information. If you have any comments please contact the patient information officer as above.
Please note
These pages are continually being updated and not all Trust leaflets are included. All our leaflets are stored in pdf format and require a compatible reader to view them. You can download a free pdf reader here:
Our patient information leaflets are intended for information purposes only and should not replace advice that your relevant health professional would give you.