Day Case Patients
There are many advantages of Day Case procedures, especially the opportunity it affords you to recover in your own home, at your own pace, with personal care by relatives and carers. Day Case staff work closely with physiotherapists and specialist nurses within the surgical specialities to ensure the provision of high-quality follow-up care to enable you to be discharged safely and comfortably back into your own familiar environment at the earliest possible opportunity.
King's Mill Hospital
For information about having a Day Case operation visit our King's Mill Hospital Day Case leaflet library.
Based on the ground floor of Tower 1, King’s Mill’s state of the art purpose-built unit was designed in consultation with staff and patient representatives to provide the best possible patient experience. The impressive multi-speciality facility has four integrated Day Case theatres - including one dedicated to ophthalmology (eye surgery).
Find out about directions, parking and facilities at King's Mill Hospital.
Newark Hospital
For information about having a Day Case operation visit our Newark Hospital Day Case leaflet library.
Find out about directions, parking and facilities at Newark Hospital.
Please contact the Day Case Unit/Minster Ward on the numbers below to arrange visiting a patient.
Day Case contact numbers
- King's Mill Hospital - 01623 672267
- Newark Hospital - 01636 685850