Children's Audiology Service

Our children’s audiology service offers high quality, comprehensive and effective hearing assessment for children. Our service provides hearing assessment from birth, with the newborn hearing screening service, to hearing aid provision for children of all ages through to transition to the adult audiology service. Clinics are held at King’s Mill and at clinics in community settings so that children and their families can be seen close to their home. This ensures that all ages and requirements can be catered for.

The service offers early detection of children with sensori-neural, conductive or mixed hearing impairments with arrangements made for appropriate rehabilitation.

Clinics are held at King’s Mill Hospital for all ages and at Mansfield Community Hospital, Ashfield Health Village, Oak Tree Lane Health Centre, Ollerton Health Centre and Newark Hospital for ages 3 years and upwards.

Children are assessed in clinic and individual management plans are commenced which may include, hearing surveillance with the audiology service, referral to other specialists such as the ENT (ear, nose and throat) department, hospital and community paediatricians, ophthalmologists, geneticists or the cochlear implant team. 

For children identified with significant hearing impairment we can arrange the fitting of latest technology hearing aids tailored to the child’s preference, as well as offering guidance for parents and children.

Referrals are received from hospital and community paediatricians, general practitioners, health visitors, school nurses, speech and language therapists and teachers of the hearing impaired.

The children’s audiology service also offers training to nursing professionals, undergraduate and postgraduate medical students.

The service also has representation at the Nottinghamshire Children’s Hearing Services Working Group - a multidisciplinary group that meets three times a year with the aim of improving services for deaf children and young people across the city and county. The current Chair of the group is Claire Benton, Clinical Lead for Paediatric Audiology at Nottingham Audiology Services, if you require further information about the group or wish to give feedback about services then please contact James Harrison

Children’s audiology service office - 01623 622515 extension 3574


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