Clinical Illustration

Our hospitals’ photographers are based at King’s Mill Hospital. If your healthcare professional thinks you may need a photograph or video to help diagnose or record your treatment, they will arrange this with our professional medical photographers.

This could be in our Clinical Illustration Department, on Level One above The King’s Mill Conference Centre, or the photographers may come to you anywhere in one of our hospitals.

Any images go straight into your health records, following strict patient confidentiality laws, and will only be seen by the healthcare professionals who need to see them. We will not take any images without your permission and so you are in control.

Photographs could be needed for many reasons, including:

• Recording skin conditions and seeing how fast they change, such as moles, lesions and pressure sores
• Protecting children by recording any suspicious injuries
• Diagnosing eye problems, helping to prevent blindness
• Recording assaults and suspicious deaths, for the police and hospital records
• Showing the condition of patients, for example if they have pressure sores
• Planning treatment, particular for those patients needing plastic surgery.

They may also be used for teaching our next generation of clinicians, research and publication in medical journals: but only with your permission, and your identity is always protected.

The team work in eleven eye clinics each week at King’s Mill Hospital and Newark Hospital, and a plastic surgery clinic on a Tuesday morning between 8.30 am and 11.30 am.

As well as having one of the best trained and qualified team of photographers in the country, the team also provide the following services across our hospitals:

• Graphic design (presentations, posters, leaflets etc.)
• Printing (leaflets, posters, flyers, booklets, signs, reports etc.)
• Videography (filming and editing on site films)
• General photography.

Our team also provide a medico-legal photography service to hospitals, solicitors and others. If you have any photographic, design or printing needs, you may find the team is less expensive, better and faster than the competition!

Contact: 01623 622515, extension 3649