Follow Up Clinic
We provide a follow-up clinic appointment for all patients who have received sedation and ventilation for four days or longer.
Appointments last for one hour. You will be given some questionnaires to complete that will help us to evaluate your mood. You will then see senior critical care nurse and/or physiotherapist. It is an opportunity for you discuss your stay on critical care, your current health and any feelings of stress or anxiety that you might have.
After being so ill it is common to have disturbed memories, nightmares, anxiety or low mood. You might have unusual memories of your stay on Critical Care. These memories might be of a real event or from a hallucination. Discussing these memories in clinic and gaining some insight into how they formed, can help you understand them and find them less stressful. We can also help you to deal with stress, anxiety and low mood.
Many patients and their relatives also wish to visit the Critical Care Unit again and we will take you there if you would like.
Your relatives may also have found your stay on Critical Care very stressful and may have many questions of their own. They are welcome to attend and to have their questions answered.
If you are still experiencing physical symptoms or disability then we can refer you to your local community physiotherapy service.
If you have not been offered an appointment for the Critical Care Follow-Up clinic, and feel that you would benefit from this service, please contact us on 01623 672268 to arrange an appointment.