The Critical Care Unit
We have 13 bed spaces and use these flexibly to meet patient demand and admit just under 800 patients per year.
Our Unit continues to score well in the National Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre’s reports for patient outcomes and quality indicators. This means that our results are similar (if not better in some categories) for Critical Care Units like us in England and Wales.
The daily routine - 365 days a year
- 8.00 am – 8.30 am - Consultant led hand over Ward Round. We have nurses, doctors, physiotherapists, students among others to review what has happened overnight and to plan care for the day ahead including discharging patients to wards and planning for admissions to the unit.
- 8.30 am -11.00 am - The patients have their morning care needs and are reviewed by the doctors.
- 11.00 am – 1.00 pm - Consultant led multidisciplinary ward round. Here, the patients are reviewed by the Critical Care Consultants with the nurse in charge and senior clinical decisions are made. Sometimes the ward rounds do run over time if there are emergency interruptions, or the complexity of the patients requires more time reviewing them. Please accept our apologies if you can’t always visit from 1.00 pm on the dot.
- 1.00 pm – 7.30 pm - Visiting hours
- 7.30 pm - Consultant led Evening Ward Round. The patients are reviewed again to check the daytime goals are achieved and plans for the next 12 hours are made, going into the night.