The Urology Consultants working at Sherwood Forest Hospitals are:
Mr Bhojwani, Mr Krishnan, Mr Ashraf, Mr Natarajan, Mr Bodiwala, Mr Miller, Mr. Green and Mr. Pal.
Our urology services include care and treatment for conditions such as:
- Balanitis
- Bladder stones
- Cancer
- Cancer of the bladder
- Cancer of the kidney
- Cancer of the prostate
- Cancer of the testicle
- Cancer of the uterus
- Destruction of kidney stones
- Diagnostic endoscopy of the bladder (cystoscopy)
- Dilatation and curettage (D&C)
- Erectile dysfunction
- Examination of the uterus (Hysteroscopy)
- Fibroids
- Hysterectomy
- Incontinence - bowel
- Incontinence urinary
- Infertility
- Keyhole prostate surgery (TURP)
- Male contraceptive pill
- Periods absent
- Periods heavy
- Periods irregular
- Periods painful
- Premenstrual syndrome
- Priapism
- Prolapse of the uterus
- Prostate disease
- Urinary tract infection
- Urology
- Vasectomy.
Patient Information Leaflets