Full Council of Governors meeting papers
The Council of Governors meets formally four times a year.
The Annual Members' meeting is also held in September each year.
Please use the links below to access the papers for each Council of Governor's meeting.
- Agenda Full CoG - 12.02.2019 v2.pdf
- Enc 03 Unconfirmed Minutes of Full CoG Meeting - 21.11.2018 v2.pdf
- Enc 04 CoG Action Tracker - 21.11.2018.pdf
- Enc 05 Chair Report COG.pdf
- Enc 06 CEO Report COG.pdf
- Enc 06.1 FINAL DASHBOARD SOF_Dec_18 v2.pdf
- Enc 06.1 SOF Q3 January 2019 v2.pdf
- Enc 07 Strategy summary COG.pdf
- Enc 08 CoG Operational Plan presentation v0-1.pdf
- Enc 10 SFH NHS FT 2018.19 Audit Plan - DRAFT.pdf
- Enc 11 COG presentation - Quality Account 2018-19 V4.pdf
- Enc 12.1 Audit and Assurance Committee Report for CoG.pdf
- Enc 12.2 Quality Committee Report for CoG Feb 2019.pdf
- Enc 12.3 Finance Committee Report.pdf
- Enc 12.4 CFC Assurance Report Jan 2019.pdf
- Enc 13.1 Expression of Interest in Serving as Observers on Board Committees - 07.09.17.pdf
- Enc 13.1 Governor Observers of Board Sub Committees.pdf
- Enc 13.2 Lead Governor Report February 2019.pdf
- Enc 13.3 Governor attendance at meetings 2018 - v2.pdf
- Enc 13.3 Governor Attendance.pdf
- Enc 13.4 Exceptional Circumstances.pdf
- Enc 13.5 Re-appointment of NED - CW.pdf