Freedom of Information Act - Access information from a public body
Who we are and what we do
- Gender pay gap reporting
- How we fit into the NHS structure
- Lists of and information relating to key organisations with which you work in partnership
- Location and contact details for all public-facing departments
- Meetings with pharmaceutical companies and other medical suppliers
- Organisational structure
- Senior executives and management board or governing body members
- Workforce diversity
What we spend and how we spend it
- Agency and Bank spend
- Capital programme
- Details of contracts currently being tendered
- Details of items of expenditure over £25,000, including costs, supplier and transaction information (monthly)
- Financial audit reports
- Financial statements, budgets and variance reports
- Funding (including endowment funds and charitable donations)
- Industrial/strike information
- List and value of contracts awarded
- Procurement and tendering procedures
- Staff and board members' allowances and expenses
- Staff pay and grading structures
- TU facility time
What our priorities are and how we are doing
- Annual business or commissioning plan
- Annual report
- Audit reports delivered at board
- Clinical strategy
- Data protection impact assessments
- Performance against targets (KPI), performance framework, performance management information, quality improvement plans
- Reports by regulatory organisations, eg Care Quality Commission and NHS England
- Service user surveys
- Strategic direction document (five-year plan)
- Targets, aims and objectives
How we make decisions
- Board papers - agenda, supporting papers and minutes
- Patient and public engagement strategy
- Public consultations {for example, concerning closures or variations of services)
- Internal communications guidance and criteria used for decision making, ie process systems and key personnel
Our policies and procedures
- Policies and procedures relating to conducting business and the provision of services
- Policies and procedures relating to human resources including recruitment and employment policies
- Equality and diversity policies
- Health and safety
- Clinical research transparency standards and research ethics committees' standard operating procedures
- Pay policy statement
- Standing financial procedures or instructions
- Standing orders
- Customer service and complaints policies and procedures
- Data protection and duty of confidentiality, records management, Caldicott Guardian
- Estate management
- Charging regimes and policies
Lists and registers
- Asset registers
- Disclosure log
- Information asset register
- List of main contractors or suppliers
- Public registers
- Register of gifts and hospitality provided to board members and senior personnel
- Register of interests
The services we offer
- Advice and guidance
- Clinical services provided or commissioned
- Corporate communications and media releases
- Non-clinical services
- Patient advice and liaison service (PALS)
- Patient information leaflets and other booklets and newsletters
- Patient support groups, including bereavement support
- Services for which we are entitled to recover a fee together with those fees
- FOI 53405 Employment Tribunals 2015 2023 10.10.2023
- FOI 53449 Physician Associates And Anaesthesia Associates Staffing Numbers 24.10.2023
- FOI 53483 ICB Contact Details For Agency Staff 24.10.2023
- FOI 53377 Dr's Returning After Retirement 2018 2023 24.10.2023
- FOI 53415 HR Job Titles Names 24.10.2023
- FOI 53431 Chief Executives And Service Length 24.10.2023
- FOI 53441 PIDA Employment Dispute Costs Updated 27.10.2023
- FOI 53410 UHA Guidance 02.11.2023
- FOI 53364 Employment Tribunal Claims And Costs 03.11.2023
- FOI 53343 Non Disclosure Agreements Staff Conduct 21 22 22 23 03.11.2023
- FOI 53334 Contact Details 13.11.2023
- FOI 53487 Employment Tribunals Sexual Assaults 14.11.2023
- FOI 53498 Temporary Staffing AHP HSS Hours 01.11.22 31.10.23 21.11.2023
- FOI 53369 Temporary Staff Management 22 23 01.12.2023
- FOI 53463 E Job Planning 03.12.2023
- FOI 53509 Equality Diversity And Inclusion Training 03.12.2023
- FOI 53427 International Recruitment 2022 2023 07.12.2023
- FOI 53544 Specialist Dentists 07.12.2023
- FOI 53539 Staff Helath And Wellbeing 08.12.2023
- FOI 53591 Demographic Nationality Makeup Accompanying Document
- FOI 53591 Demographoic Nationality Makeup 14.12.2023
- FOI 53336 Neurology Workforce 14.12.2023
- FOI 53550 Religion And Religious Beliefs Training Aug 22 Aug 23 14.12.2023
- FOI 53550 Key Religious Dates Calendar
- FOI 53584 Nurses On Long Term Sick November 2021, 2022 And 2023 02.01.2024
- FOI 53489 Bank Workers 03.01.2024
- FOI 53620 IT Contacts 02.01.2024
- FOI 53575 Staff Working Outside Of The UK 02.01.2024
- FOI 53571 International Recruitment 04.01.2024
- FOI 53571 Accompanying Document
- FOI 53643 Agency Shifts 01.11.23 31.12.23 10.01.24
- FOI 53368 Informed Consent Training 16.01.24
- FOI 53604 Pain Education 22.12.2023
- FOI 53618 Equality And Diversity Organisations 30.01.2024
- FOI 53658 Divisional Directors Info 21.01.2024
- FOI 53715 Doctors Statistics 07.02.2024
- FOI 53715 Q4 Accompanying Document.
- FOI 53625 Inequalities In The Medical Workplace 07.02.2024
- FOI 53648 Emergency Medicine Department Recruitment 07.02.2024
- FOI 53693 NHS Staff Training 06.02.2024
- FOI 53705 Bank Staff Recruitment Info 06.02.2024
- FOI 53740 Contact Details 19.02.2024
- FOI 53732 Contact Details 19.02.2024
- FOI 53703 Workplace Conduct 19.02.2024
- FOI 53480 Non Clinical Staff Grade 8A And Above 27.02.2024
- FOI 53807 Physician Associates 05.03.2024
- FOI 53718 Physician Associates 05.04.2023
- FOI 53747 Physician And Nursing Associates 05.04.2024
- FOI 53795 Unconscious Bias Training 05.03.2024
- FOI 53770 Junior Drs Sick Leave 25.12.23 09.01.24 07.03.2024
- FOI 53813 Physician Associates 07.03.2024
- FOI 53738 Misconduct And Gross Misconduct 07.03.2024
- FOI 53728 Temporary & Fixed Term Contracts Framworks And Agency Spend 25.03.2024
- FOI 53848 Clinical Attachments For International Medical Graduates 26.03.2024
- 53848 Accompanying Document
- FOI 53859 Cashiers General Office 26.03.2024
- FOI 53846 Agency Supply & Ethical Business Practices 27.03.2024
- FOI 53537 Management Statistics 02.04.2024
- 53537 Q1 Accompanying Document
- FOI 53826 Physician Associate & Anaesthesia Associates 02.04.2024
- FOI 53755 Careers@Nhstrust.Net 02.04.2024
- FOI 53736 Menopause 04.04.2024
- FOI 53873 On & Off Framework Nursing Agency Usage 01.01.2024 31.03.2024 15.04.2024
- Foi 53858 On & Off Framework Peadiatric And Midwifery Shifts 01.01.2024 10.03.2024 15.04.2024
- FOI 53902 Carers Leave Stock Take 15.04.2024
- FOI 53902 Accompanying Document
- FOI 53914 Estates And Capital Contacts 15.04.2024
- FOI 53803 Disciplinaries 2017 2024 13.05.2024
- FOI 53959 Discrimination HIV 13.05.2024
- FOI 53883 Racial Abuse 2014 2024 13.05.2024
- FOI 53933 Contact Details 23.04.2024
- FOI 53885 Medirest Pay 23.04.2024
- FOI 53897 Consultants Locums Specialist Register 2023 23.04.2024
- FOI 53940 Access To Health Records Teams 30.04.2024
- FOI 53916 Clinical Coding 03.05.2024
- FOI 53926 Temporary Staffing Workforce Systems FY23 24 11.05.2024
- FOI 53926 Accompanying Document
- FOI 53671 Anticipated Work Hrs And Actual Hrs Junior Drs Nurses 16.05.2024
- FOI 53671 Accompanying Document
- FOI 41 Staff Details 11.06.24
- FOI 53571 International Recruitment Accompanying Document 04.01.2024
- FOI 16 Your Involvement In Global Healthcare Recruitment 28.06.24
- FOI 72 Vascular Service Staffing 28.06.24
- FOI 73 Manager Contact Details 28.06.24
- FOI 84 Midwifery Staff Contact Details 28.06.24
- FOI 63 Registered Allied Health Professionals 2018 2024 12.07.24
- FOI 67 International Recruitment Processes 15.07.24
- FOI 81 Job Role Responsibilities 15.07.24
- FOI 85 Job Planning & Appraisals 15.07.24
- FOI 83 Just And Restorative Approach 25.07.24
- FOI 101 NHS Staff Absence Rates 12.06.23 12.06.24 25.07.2024
- FOI 108 Newark Hospital UCC OOH 25.07.2024
- FOI 137 Formal Complaints 23 24 25.07.24
- FOI 53950 Sick Days 2019 2023
- FOI 53950 Accompanying Document
- FOI 86 Bank & Rostering Information And Software 02.08.24
- FOI 134 Pride Month 2024 02.08.2024
- FOI 74 Contracts Temporary Non Medical And Non Clinical Workers 06.08.2024
- FOI 88 Agency And Direct Engagement 06.08.2024
- FOI 98 Nursing And HCA Agency Shift Jan 23 Apr 24 06.08.2024
- FOI 102 Drs Subjected To Disciplinary Removing Medications 2020 2024 06.08.2024
- FOI 106 On & Off Framework Nursing Agency Usage April24 June24 06.08.2024
- FOI 177 FOI Management 06.08.2024
- FOI 53785 Incorrect Staff Payments 2019 2023 06.08.2024
- FOI 53814 Obstetricians 2015 2023 05.05.2024
- 53814 FOI Obstetrics Staffing
- FOI 53716 Consultant Doctors Headcount FTE 2017 2023 01.05.2024
- 53716 Consultants Specialities 29Jan24
- FOI 53717 The Job Description And Person Specification Apprentices 01.05.2024
- Apprentice Undergraduate AHP JD Final Version (002)
- FOI 53888 Associate Hours 2010 2024 05.05.2024
- FOI 82 MHPS Just Learning Culture 13.08.2024
- FOI 165 Never Events Involving Medical Associate Professionals 2021 2024 13.08.2024
- FOI 164 Tempopray Staffing Costs And Management Last 24 Months 20.08.2024
- FOI 93 Temporary Staffing Information And Contacts. 10.09.2024
- FOI 257 Staffing Mix Over Time 2015 2024 19.09.2024
- FOI 256 PACS Contact Info
- FOI 229 Newly Qualified Nurse Recruitment 23.09.2024
- FOI 241 Regarding Supplier Selection Under Lot 1 Of Workforce Alliance Rm6281 24.09.2024
- FOI 245 RM6281 Workforce Alliance Framework 24.09.2024
- FOI 241 Regarding Supplier Selection Under Lot 1 Of Workforce Alliance Rm6281 24.09.2024 (1)
- FOI 340 Staff Absence Due To Mental Health Issues 2021 2024 30.10.2024
- FOI 342 Rescorded Sickness Absense For Pharmacists 2017 27.10.24 30.10.2024
- FOI 307 Nurses And Healthcare Assistants Employment 30.10.24
- FOI 324 Nursing Attrition And Vacancies 2024 2026 31.10.2024
- FOI 364 Different Ethnic Groups Working In Maternity Services 2018 & 2023 31.10.2024Pdf
- FOI 374 HTE Framework Contact Details 04.11.2024
- FOI 168 HR Case Management (HRCM) 12.11.2024
- FOI 384 Total Workforce Solutions HTE Or RM6281 Workforce Alliance Framework Details 21.11.2024
- FOI 386 HPB Or Upper GI Nurses At The Trust 25.11.2024
- FOI 412 International Nurse Recruitment 2023 25.11.2024
What should I do before I make a request?
You can ask for any information you choose, at any time, but you may not always succeed in getting it. Before you make a request, it may help to consider the following questions:
- Is the information you want already available, for example, is it on our website?
We must make certain information routinely available. You can find out what information is available by checking our ‘guide to information’; - Is the information you want your own personal data?
If your request is for information about yourself, such as your employment records, you should make a subject access request under the Data Protection Act; - Are we likely to have the information?
It may save you time if you check with us whether it is likely we have the information you want. For example, you may not be sure whether the information you want is held by your General Practice or the county council. We must give reasonable advice and assistance to anyone asking for information, so feel free to ask for help in making your request; - Is the information you want suitable for general publication?
The aim of the Freedom of Information Act is to make information available to the general public. You can only obtain information that would be given to anybody who asked for it, or would be suitable for the general public to see; - Some information, such as records about a dead relative, or documents you need for legal purposes, may not always be available under the Act. However, you may have a right to see the information you want under other legislation.
What are the legal requirements for a request?
For your request to be dealt with according to the Freedom of Information Act, you must:
- contact us directly;
- make the request in writing, for example in a letter or an email. You can make a verbal or written request for environmental information;
- give your real name; and
- give an address to which we can reply. This can be a postal or email address.
You do not have to:
- mention the Freedom of Information Act or Environmental Information Regulations, although it may help to do so;
- know whether the information is covered by the Freedom of Information Act or the Environmental Information Regulations; or
- say why you want the information.
It is sensible to write the date on any letters or emails you send and keep a copy, so you have a reliable record of your request. If you make a verbal request for environmental information, we recommend that you note who you spoke to, the date, and what information you requested, and you may wish to follow up with a letter or email confirming your request. A written record of a verbal request would be beneficial if you later need to make a complaint.
If you find it impossible or unreasonably difficult to make a request in writing, we may have to make a reasonable adjustment for you under the Equality Act 2010 (or Disability Discrimination Act 1995 in Northern Ireland). This could mean, for example, that we have to consider treating a verbal request for information as if it was a valid freedom of information request.
How should I word my request to get the best result?
Most people will exercise their rights responsibly but we also recognise that some individuals and organisations submit requests which may, whether by accident or design, cause a public authority an unjustified or disproportionate level of disruption or irritation. Some requests can cause distress to members of staff.
The Freedom of Information Act has a built in safeguard to protect public authorities from having to deal with such requests (called vexatious requests under Section 14). In the case of the Environmental Information Regulations, there is an equivalent provision for requests which are manifestly unreasonable [Regulation 12(4)(b)].
All requests place some degree of demand on our resources in terms of costs and staff time, and we expect to absorb a certain level of disruption to meet our underlying commitment to transparency and openness under the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations. We also accept requests can be challenging in their language but using threatening or abusive language increases the risk that your request will be refused.
It can be difficult for requester's to understand how information is labelled and organised by public authorities - the Act contains a provision that ensures that public authorities must consider whether they should provide you with advice and assistance, within reasonable limits.
Nonetheless, the amount of time and resources that we expend in responding to a request should not be out of all proportion to that request’s value and purpose.
You need to consider the dos and don’ts below – think about your request objectively - does it trigger any don’ts? If so you may want to rethink your information request otherwise it may be refused as vexatious.
If your request does lack any serious or clear purpose or if it is not focused on acquiring information, then the Freedom of Information Act and Environmental Information Regulations are probably not an appropriate means through which to pursue your concern. You might do better to explore whether there are other more suitable channels through which to take up the issue with us.
You should also bear in mind that the Freedom of Information Act includes a safeguard against requests which exceed the cost limits for compliance (Section 12). The equivalent provision in the Environmental Information Regulations is once again [Regulation 12(4)(b)] - manifestly unreasonable requests.
Therefore, if you are planning to ask for a large volume of information, or make a very general request, you should first consider whether you could narrow or refocus the scope of the request, as this may help you get what you really want and reduce any unnecessary burden or costs on us. Alternatively, you could ask us for advice and assistance to help you reduce the scope of your request and cut down the cost of compliance – we have a duty to consider what advice and assistance we can provide.
Although you don’t have to say why you want the information, if you are happy to do so it might avoid a lot of wasted time and be more likely to get you what you want.
Information request dos and dont's
Do’s |
Don’ts |
Use straightforward, polite language; avoid basing your request or question on assumptions or opinions, or mixing requests with complaints or comments. |
Bury your request in amongst lengthy correspondence on other matters or underlying complaints |
Specify whether you have any preferences as to how you would like to receive the information, for example if you would prefer a paper copy or to receive an email. |
Use requests as a way of ‘scoring points’ against an authority |
Give us ample opportunity to address any previous requests you have made before submitting new ones. |
Send ‘catch-all’ requests for information (such as ‘please provide me with everything you hold about ‘x’) when you aren’t sure what specific documents to ask for. If in doubt, try searching on our website or enquiring whether any indexes and file lists are available. Alternatively, ask us for some advice and assistance in framing your request. |
Stay focused on the line of enquiry you are pursuing. Don’t let your attention start to drift onto issues of minor relevance. |
Submit frivolous or trivial requests; remember that processing any information request involves some cost to the public purse. |
Think about whether making a request is the best way of achieving what you want. If you have an underlying complaint then it may be better to just take your complaint to the relevant ombudsman and let them investigate. |
Disrupt us by the sheer weight of requests or the volume of information requested. Whether you are acting alone or in concert with others, this is a clear misuse of the Act and an abuse of your ‘right to know’. |
Aim to be flexible if the authority advises that it can’t meet the full request on cost grounds and asks you to narrow it down. Try to work with us to produce a streamlined version of the request which still covers the core information that is most importance to you. |
Deliberately ‘fish’ for information by submitting very broad or random requests in the hope it will catch something noteworthy or otherwise useful. Requests should be directed towards obtaining information on a particular issue, rather than relying on pot luck to see if anything of interest is revealed. |
Make repeat requests unless circumstances, or the information itself, have changed to the extent that there are justifiable grounds to ask for the information again. |
What can I request?
The Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental Information Regulations gives you rights to access official information.
Under the Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental Information Regulations you have a right to request any recorded information held by a public authority, such as a government department, local council or state school. Environmental information requests can also be made to certain non-public bodies carrying out a public function.
You can ask for any information you think we may hold. The right only covers recorded information which includes information held on computers, in emails and in printed or handwritten documents as well as images, video and audio recordings. You should identify the information you want as clearly as possible.
Your request can be in the form of a question, rather than a request for specific documents, but the authority does not have to answer your question if this would mean creating new information or giving an opinion or judgment that is not already recorded. Some information may not be given to you because it is exempt, for example because it would unfairly reveal personal details about somebody else.
You don’t have to know whether the information you want is covered by the Environmental Information Regulations or the Freedom of Information Act. When you make a request, we decide which law we need to follow.
If you wish to obtain information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or Environmental Information Regulations 2004, you can do this in the following ways:
- Email us;
- Write to us: Information Governance Department, Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, King's Mill Hospital, Mansfield Road, Sutton in Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, NG17 4JL.
- Complete our online form here
We must reply to you within 20 working days. We may:
- give you the information you’ve asked for;
- tell you we don’t have the information;
- tell you that another authority holds the information or transfer the request on your behalf;
- under the Freedom of Information Act, say that it has the information and offer to provide it if you pay a fee (but there are rules about what they can charge);
- under the Environmental Information Regulations, make a reasonable charge for providing information in accordance with their published schedule of charges. Note: If the authority allows you to view a public register or other information in person, at a place of their choice, we cannot charge for this;
- refuse to give you the information, and explain why; or,
- under the Freedom of Information Act, say we need more time to consider the public interest in disclosing or withholding the information, and tell you when to expect a response. This should not be later than 40 working days after the date of your request. We can only extend the time limit in certain circumstances, and we must explain why we think the information may be exempt;
- under the Environmental Information Regulations, say we need more time as the information requested is particularly complex and there is a lot of information to provide. In such cases the time limit can be extended by a further 20 working days as long as the authority respond within the initial time limit stating when it believes it will be able to respond in full.
Will I always get the information I ask for?
Not always. The Freedom of Information Act recognises that there will be valid reasons why some kinds of information may be withheld, such as if its release would prejudice national security or damage commercial interests. For some exemptions we must consider whether the public interest in withholding the information outweighs the public interest in releasing it. If we decide that the information cannot be released we must tell you and explain why. We are not obliged to deal with vexatious or repeated requests or in some cases if the cost exceeds an appropriate limit. In addition the Act does not provide the right of access to personal information about you. This is instead available under the Data Protection Act again, subject to certain exemptions, and is known as a subject access request.
Can I complain if we refuse your request or I am dissatisfied with the way it has been dealt with?
Yes. You should first complain to us and ask for an internal review. For freedom of information complaints we recommend that you do this as soon as possible and within two months of receiving our final response. For environmental information complaints you should make your complaint within 40 working days.
The Information Commissioner’s Office recommends we carry out internal reviews within 20 working days. Under Environmental Information Regulations there is a legal requirement that internal reviews must be carried out as soon as possible and within 40 working days. We cannot charge for carrying out an internal review.
If you believe that we have not dealt with your complaint properly, the ICO may be able to help.
All information we have provided is subject to the provisions of the Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015. Accordingly, if the information has been made available for re-use under the Open Government Licence (OGL) a request to re-use is not required, but the licence conditions must be met. You must not re-use any previously unreleased information without having the consent from Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. Should you wish to re-use previously unreleased information then you must make your request in writing. All requests for re-use will be responded to within 20 working days of receipt.
Can we charge for a request?
Yes, we can charge you for the costs of sending the information, such as photocopying and postage. These are known as 'disbursements'.
What can I expect if I have rights under the Equality Act 2010 (or Disability Discrimination Act 1995 in Northern Ireland)?
Under equality law we have a duty to make sure that our services are accessible to all service users. You can request a response in a particular format that is accessible to you, such as Braille, large print, email or audio format.
If you think we have failed to make a reasonable adjustment, you can make a claim under the Equality Act (or Disability Discrimination Act in Northern Ireland).
Further advice is available from:
- Equality Advisory Support Service (EASS) and
- Citizens Advice